Documents de référence


European Students' Union (2010, Revised Online Edition v. 1.2), Bologna with Student Eyes, Brussels : ESU

Date de parution: 1 avril 2010

Extrait de l'introduction :


The extraordinary higher education transformation known as the Bologna Process is now reaching its 10 year crossroad. For the past year, governments, policy makers and academic communities have been debating the future of the Process and its new vision, while trying to make an analysis of what has been achieved so far.

Any new transformation needs a solid dose of hope, vision and idealism, attributes that are widely acknowledged to be characteristic to students and their representatives. Students all across Europe still believe in the process and their cry for more involvement is fully justified by the significant contribution they had in the paradigm shift.

The 2009 Bologna With Student Eyes survey (BWSE) is more than a mirror of the Process. The publication aims to capture the real effects felt by students all across the 46 Bologna countries and their trust in the reform taking place around them. It is a detailed and critical view on what happened beyond legislative measures, conference results and structural transformation. And this should be the starting point for a new agenda.

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