Documents de référence


European Students' Union (2010), Bologna at the Finish Line, Brussels : ESU

Date de parution: 1 mars 2010

Extrait de l'introduction :


The Bologna at the Finish Line publication could be seen as somewhat of a paradox. It is in fact an anniversary publication, but rather than celebrating ten years of the Bologna Process, it instead points out the remaining work to be done for the fulfillment of the comprehensive package of Bologna action lines underpinning the process' major goals. It also talks about a ›finish line‹, when in fact the real finish line has been pushed back by at least ten years. And yet, the title seemed to be the most appropriate, because in fact all the Bologna reforms were thought to be possible within a ten year timeframe and it is now, during the 2010 Vienna and Budapest Anniversary Ministerial Conference, that European Education Ministers will launch the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

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