Documents de référence


ENQA (2010), ENQA: 10 years (2000-2010). A decade of European co-operation in quality assurance in higher education, Helsinki : ENQA

Date de parution: 1 septembre 2010

Avant-propos de la publication :

The history of ENQA arises in the late 1990's when the  rst formal procedures for quality assurance begun to  stabilise on a national level. As a result of the European Pilot Projects in the  eld of external quality assurance
during the nineties, participants felt the need for further exchange of information and experience in a relatively new  eld in order to provide an opportunity for mutual learning. From these  rst steps, ENQA has developed from a discussion forum of few quality assurance enthusiasts into a network of a slowly but steadily growing number of agencies in Europe, and from a network into an elaborated association with a wide membership across Bologna signatory countries in Europe with a  rm political role.


For this Anniversary publication, on behalf of the ENQA Board, I am very pleased to present addresses from four persons who engaged themselves during the past years, and thus made the most signicant contribution to the development of ENQA. The authors of this publication, Dorte Kristoffersen who was already a member of the steering group of the European Pilot Projects , and the  rst three Chairmen and Presidents Christian Thune, Peter Williams and Bruno Curvale, bring their individual views to the history and present position of ENQA. Hopefully,
these anecdotes give the reader an interesting journey to some major steps in the development of external quality assurance in Europe during the past decade.


I would like to thank the authors for contributing to this publication, which is published to celebrate the accomplishments in the quality assurance of European higher education from the early 1990's until 2010.


Achim Hopbach (ENQA President)
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