Documents de référence


ENQA (2011), Mapping the implementation and application of the ESG : final report of the project Steering Group, Bruxelles : ENQA

Date de parution: 1 décembre 2011

Introduction :


In 2010 the organisations that form the E4 Group, notably ENQA, ESU, EUA and EURASHE launched the "Mapping the Implementation and Application of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (MAP-ESG)" project in order to gather information on how the ESG have been implemented and applied in the 47 Bologna signatory countries in higher education institutions and in quality assurance institutions, and to launch a thorough discussion
on the ESG in their entirety. In doing so the E4 Group responded to a discussion which has gained momentum since 2009 and which suggested that there should be a review of the ESG.


This report presents the results of the activities carried out in the context of the MAP-ESG project. In doing so the report provides the first overarching study on the implementation of the ESG in all its parts, and a thorough analysis of their impact.
The report is based on the analysis of expert views from all relevant actors and stakeholders in higher education, notably teachers and students, higher education management and internal quality assurance bodies, external quality assurance agencies, EQAR and ministries, and the social partners.


Therefore the recommendation of the project consortium to the Bologna Follow-up Group and the Ministerial meeting in Bucharest in April 2012 is to mandate a careful revision of the ESG in order to improve their clarity, applicability and usefulness.
It integrates the perspectives of all stakeholders and, thus, forms a sound basis for ministers to take a well-informed decision on the further development of the ESG.


On behalf of the E4 Group I would like to thank the contributors to this project.
These are the many experts who took part in the consultations, the members of the steering group and also the members of the advisory board.


I do hope that this report facilitates a further development of the ESG which have been a success story since they were adopted within the Bologna Process. I hope that the report leads to the enhancement of the applicability of the ESG and further fosters
their implementation. Since they are already a success story, the ESG would thus be able to make an even more effective contribution to quality assurance in the EHEA.



Achim Hopbach
President of ENQA
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