Documents de référence


Sursock, A. & Smidt, H. (2010), Trends 2010: A decade of change in European Higher Education, Brussels : EUA.

Date de parution: 1 février 2010

Extrait de l'introduction :


1. The aim of the Trends 2010 report is two-fold. Firstly, to situate and analyse - from the viewpoint of higher education institutions - the implementation of the Bologna Process in the context of the much broader set of changes that have affected higher education in Europe in the past decade. Secondly, to propose an agenda for the future of both the Bologna Process and the EHEA.

2. The report is based on a unique longitudinal analysis of responses to two survey questionnaires to higher education institutions (821 responses) and national rectors' conferences (27 responses), which have been compared to Trends III (2005) and Trends V (2007) results. The quantitative data were supplemented with qualitative data collected through 28 site visits in 16 countries, two focus group discussions and five semi-structured interviews of regulated professional organisations.

ISBN : 9789078997177
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