Documents de référence


Sursock, A.(2015), Trends 2015: Learning and Teaching in European Universities, Brussels : EUA

Date de parution: 17 septembre 2015

Extrait de l'introduction :

1. Trends 2015 is the seventh in the series of Trends reports published by the European University A ssociation. The main goal of Trends 2015 is to document the universities’ perceptions of the changes that have taken place in European higher education in the past five years particularly in relation to learning and teaching. It is based on a questionnaire to which 451 higher education institutions, from 46 countries (or 48 higher education systems 1 ), responded.

The respondents represent more than 10 million students or about a quarter of the students enrolled in the institutions of the European Higher Education Area.

2. Specifically , Trends 2015 seeks to answer the following questions: – To what ex tent have learning and teaching moved up as institutional priorities? How extensive has the shift been to student-centred learning across Europe and is this shift supported by national and institutional policies and other measures (e.g. funding, staff development, internal and external quality assurance procedures)? – What ar e the key changes that have affected institutional developments, particularly in relation to learning and teaching? – How can the findings of this study inf orm the future priorities of the Bologna Process?

ISBN: 9789078997542
© 2025 - Agence pour l'Evaluation de la Qualité de l'Enseignement Supérieur
Avenue du Port, 16 - 0P08 - B-1080 Bruxelles
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